Monday, July 27, 2015

Is Coconut water for you?

You see it everywhere these days. Coconut water is heavily advertised as a superfood with lots of health benefits, but is it something you should be drinking?

The answer depends on what you are doing as far as physical activity, and what else you are drinking throughout the day, along with how much of it you are drinking. Not an easy answer, right?
Let's start with the basics. 
An average serving of plain coconut water has approximately 50 calories, 0 fat, 50 mg of sodium, 480 mg potassium, 11g carbs, 11g natural sugars and 0 g of protein. 
According to WebMd, a serving of coconut water has more potassium than FOUR bananas. It's an easily digested carb in the form of natural sugars and electrolytes. Coconut water has less sugar than sports drinks and may be better at replacing lost fluids than a sports drink or water. But, that depends on your level of activity. If you are not an athlete or runner and do not workout on a regular basis, then there is probably too many natural sugars and calories for it to provide any benefit to you. If you are a distance runner, or engage in any physical activity that lasts an hour or more, coconut water can supply you with needed electrolytes, but is lacking in carbs and sodium. Coconut water, alone, will not reverse dehydration for this reason.
So, what's the answer for real food, or Paleo athletes and runners? Take 12 ounces of plain coconut water, add in your favorite fruit purée and a dash of salt, and you've got your own homemade sports drink that meets all the requirements that your body needs. For more information on that, and my own recipe check out this previous blog post
With all of that being said, if you don't drink any soft drinks, juices, sports drinks, an occasional coconut water is not going to hurt you. I drink water all day long, but I love to have an ice cold coconut water post workout or post run.
The taste has grown on me. When I first tried it, I was NOT a big fan. I only liked it with pineapple purée. Apparently it's an acquired taste (like coffee??!) and I now really enjoy it plain. My favorite brands are VitaCoco and the Whole Foods 365 brand, due to the flavor. When searching for a coconut water, make sure the only ingredient is Coconut water. There are a few brands out there that add some fruit, either as a purée or natural, "no sugar added" fruit juice. Those are ok for making your sports drink. Amy & Brian makes a Coconut juice with lime that is just coconut water and lime juice. It is AMAZING! I grab one from the cold cooler at Whole Foods every time I go! 
Last note: do not confuse coconut water with coconut milk. Coconut water is the liquid within a coconut. Coconut milk is made from the strained puree of coconut meat.  There is a BIG difference!

Note: This article is for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for medical advise.  Please consult with a doctor if you have any medical concerns.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Running on Real Food

Just over two years ago is when I started my clean eating journey. It's also around this same time that I wanted to increase my running distance. As I started researching the many running fuel options, I came to a conclusion. There's just not much to choose from in prepackaged fitness food or drink that meet my clean eating criteria. I've ended up settling for Honey Stingers gummy chews for all three of my distance races. They are organic, and at least minimal ingredients, most of which are recognizable.
Now, I'm starting to prepare for my first ultra race, and I really want to train for and run it as close to Paleo as I possibly can. Training starts in a little over a month, so I'm getting my plan together now.
I want to share my list of foods that I will use to train for the 50K race.
(You can see my distance running recommendations here, if you want more information on what I use and when.)

Protein for mid long run and post run recovery:
Epic bars and bites
Paleo Life bars
(If you missed my reviews on these 2 great products, you can find them here and here.) 

Homemade sports drink. Coconut water, salt, and fruit purée. (My own recipe!)

Dried mango
Freeze dried bananas 
Puréed high glycemic fruits (baby food punches are easy to carry)
Pre cut "cutie" oranges
Pitted dates
Almond butter and honey (Justin's brand makes small individual pouches)
Lara Bars
Bearded Brother bars
Homemade energy bites made with maple syrup of honey, nut butters, cocoa, dried fruits, and seeds.

Once I sat down and put this list together, I realized it was not going to be as hard as I once thought. So, for the next few weeks I will dream of cooler temps, and start working on a plan on how to carry this stuff on me, efficiently. Stay tuned!! 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015

Epic Bar review! A truly EPIC product!

I'm always on the look out for real food products that I can incorporate into my training. When I discovered that Epic Bar fits the definition of real food AND Paleo products, I was every excited for the opportunity to try them. 
Epic Bars was founded by runners. Runners that live a real food lifestyle.  Need I say more? They know what we are looking for to fuel our bodies. 
Here is how Epic got started: "Preparing healthy meals at home was a breeze, however we quickly realized there was a lack of conveniently packaged nutrient dense animal protein when we traveled, exercised, and worked. So, we set out to create the world’s first 100% grass fed meat, fruit, and nut bar. We call our product EPIC because it improves the lives of animals, regenerates our bodies, and helps heal the land.  Due to an ingredient label unlike anything else, EPIC epitomizes real foods and will always be humane, pasture centered, and most importantly, delicious." Read their complete story here.  Most impressive, is that they only accept the best from their suppliers. "We set the industry standards by sourcing our meats from ranchers that we deem EPIC. We mandate proof of certifications, which validate that our animals receive the utmost humane treatment. We believe that EPIC animals should always live pasture-centered lives where turkeys forage, pigs wallow, and buffalo roam. This is the way nature intended animals to be and we see ourselves as leaders in recognizing the value of sustainable and responsible animal welfare practices."

Epic has 3 types of products. "Bars", "Bites", and "Hunt and Harvest Mixes." The "Bar" is a meat, fruit and nut bar, packed full of protein. The "Bites" are bite size, similar to jerky, but better. Add in some fruits and super seeds, and you have the perfect snack. The "Hunt and Harvest Mixes" are the perfect combination of grass fed jerky, seeds, nuts, and berries.  Check out the full product line here

Over the last couple of weeks, I have sampled several of their products and flavors. Here are my observations:

  • Texture: Don't let the word jerky fool you. Each one of these products, whether Bar or Bites, is very tender. Almost melt in your mouth tender. It may be similar to jerky, but without the jerky chew to it. This makes it the perfect mid run snack, since you won't be trying to chew it up over the next 10 miles. 
  • Flavor: I haven't met an Epic flavor I didn't like. Some of the flavor combinations will give you pause. But, trust me, you need to try them. Bison Bacon Cranberry bar- the perfect combination of sweet and bacon salty. Yes, it sounds odd. Yes, it tastes awesome!! Chicken Sriracha bar- just enough spicy kick, without being too spicy (This one will be nice for winter Ultra training!)  Uncured Bacon bites: it's bacon. Everyone loves bacon! This one is getting added to my mid long run snack list. Protein and salt are two things I need during long runs. These are so tender, easy to chew, and portable with the bite size pieces. Chicken Currant Sesame BBQ bites- I'll be honest. I never had currents before I tried these, so I wasn't sure what to expect. They ended up being my favorite! My taste buds really enjoyed the combination of sweet, salty, and a tiny bit of spice. Beef Apple Bacon Bar- This was another delicious combination! Check out all the flavor offerings here
  • Fullness factor: Each of the bars kept me full for a good while. I used them as a post long run refuel, and paired it with some fruit to make it a meal since we were heading off to church soon after my runs. I was plenty satisfied, and did not get my normal "" feeling, like I typically do. The bites were not as filling, but perfect for a snack. When you compare the protein between the bars and the bites, in most cases, the bars do pack more protein. Protein usually indicates how full I will feel after eating, so this was consistent for me. 
  • Ingredients: It is so hard to find products out there that advertise as primal or Paleo, that ARE actually 100% Primal or Paleo. You won't be disappointed with Epic. Every ingredient is real food. You won't question what any ingredient is. 
  • Price: When you are talking about quality grass fed meats, and organic ingredients, you expect to pay more. But, Epic Bars are actually very competitively priced. A box of bars runs about $30 for 12 bars. That's only $2.50 a bar! Bites are currently on sale for $50 for a box of 8 bags. Each bag is 2.5 servings. Again, you are looking at $2.50 per serving, or $6.25 per bag. 
  • Availability: You don't have to order online. There are quite a few stores that carry Epic products. I have seen them at our local Earth Fare and Whole Foods.  You can also find them on Amazon.
  • Allergens: Epic products are Soy and Gluten free. They do use tree nuts in some of their products. 
Chicken with Currant & Sesame BBQ Bites

Epic Bars are going to be a regular in our house. Not just for when I'm running, but when I'm on the run. Traveling, running errands, or just a day at the part with the kids. It's great to have a healthy, real food, convenience food that I can feel good about for the entire family.

Stay tuned for an "Epic Giveaway!"

Note: I was given this product in exchange for a review. This review is my own personal opinion of the product. I was not required to give a particular opinion on it. Please use any product I review at your own risk, and consult a medical professional if you have any health concerns. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Distance Running, Hydration, and fueling your body- The busy mom's guide to help you get started!

I'm craving a long run. It's been entirely too long. Considering it's been 90+ degrees, and 10000% humidity, I'm actually doing better than I normally do in the summer. I finished the marathon in May, and wasn't able to really get back to running for about 3 weeks. I tried, but my legs were so tired, and just needed that recovery time. That is totally ok! It typically takes 1 day per mile to recoup from a race. Then we started moving, and it got hot. Now, I'm settled in and slowly building my mileage back up. I want to get to the point that 10 miles is my weekend norm, at least until 50K training starts in September. I'm up to 6 miles now, and this morning my body said it was ready to do more.
I was reflecting on my long, slow distance runs (LSD... I know,  I know) during marathon training.  I wanted to share some of the things that I learned during this time, not only about the run itself, but nutrition and hydration, too. When I was researching training, I found so much information, but a lot of it was in terms that only an expert runner would understand. Hey experts! I'm a busy mom of three! I don't have time for your "expert terms!" I needed something in layman, simple terms, that help me know what to do!
So, here is the busy moms (and dads!) version, just for you!

  • The LSD run is about time on your feet. It is NOT about pace. (Hence, long SLOW distance run.) When doing your long run each week, you should be focusing only on getting the miles in, you should never try to run at your goal race pace. "The experts" say, it should be done 1-2 minutes per mile slower than race pace. You can work on speed another time. This helps you to build the endurance that you need come race day, BUT it also helps to keep you from getting injured. If you do your long runs at race pace every other weekend, you won't have time to recover before the next one comes up. Especially as you are increasing mileage every couple weeks. So, slow it down, and enjoy the run! If you want to work on your speed, do some intervals on your shorter run day. 
  • Fuel your body! It took me forever to figure out how to fuel my body for long runs. I read 1000 things about what types of things to eat, but could not find anything about how much and when to eat, that didn't require a masters in mathematics.  Finally, I talked to someone at the running store, and they were able to help. This is going to vary a little based on your weight, but you want somewhere between 30-40 grams of carbs every 45 minutes, for any run lasting more than an hour. Once I started using this as a guideline, I felt so much better during my runs. I can't tell you what to eat, you need to experiment during these long runs and find out what works for you. I used anything from bananas, dried mango, orange slices, my homemade sports drink, and Honey Stingers organic gummy candies. For the marathon itself, I had one pack of the Honey Stingers gummys every 45 minutes. I felt great for the entire race! I also had one protein bar half way through my long runs. Make sure you experiment and see how each type of running fuel works for you. Not just on your energy level, but on your stomach. Nothing like a mad dash into the woods mid run. Hey, it happens!!
  • Hydrate your body! This is another item that I see so many different recommendations on. It will vary for every person you ask. Personally, I don't even run a 5K without having a little water. Anytime I am running an hour or more, I carry my homemade sports drink. I've seen people say that they ran a half marathon with only water and nothing else. Good for them, but that's not the way I like to run. Again, you need to experiment and find what works for you. There are so many different types of hydration belts, packs, vests, and handhelds, that I am sure you can find something comfortable to have on hand. Or, stash a few bottles along your route? I used to do laps around my neighborhood and kept my bottle in the mail box. The important thing is to stay hydrated! How much you need and when you need it is going to vary based on temperature, humidity, and how much you sweat out. 
  • Salty face? That's one more indicator of what you may need during your runs. If you finish your runs and notice your face is gritty from salt, you may also need to add some salt to your run hydration or fuel routine. I add a pinch of salt to my homemade sports drink, but you could easily carry a handful of salty nuts, pretzels or crackers to help along the way. This Runner's World article has a lot of that terminology that I hate trying to comprehend, but it will help you understand how sodium and salt plays a role in keeping you hydrated and keeps you going. 
So, what are you waiting on? Lace up, gear up, and RUN!!!

Note: This article is for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for medical advise.  Please consult with a doctor if you have any medical concerns.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Topo Athletic MT Hybrid Shoe Review!

This week I stepped out of my comfort zone. I am typically a girl that likes to cushion her feet. I switched things up and tried a pair of Topo Athletics MT hybrid shoes. I primarily run country roads , which means I am on the road, or on the side of the road. I like having a hybrid shoe that easily transitions from the road to the grass for this reason.

Topo Athletic (Named after founder and CEO,  Tony Post) is "a brand created for and by athletes with a mission to develop gear that amplifies your body's amazing natural abilities."
You will find that their brand has a neutral platform with light cushioning. They are designed to have little to no heel to toe drop.

  • When I put these shoes on, the first thing I noticed was the wider toe box. I like the room my toes had, to spread out, and rest in their natural position. Topo Athletic designs their shoes to allow "plenty of room for the toes to spread for healthy walking and running." But, they are also snug in the mid foot and heel. Bottom line, this shoes promotes stability. If you have a specific need, they also have alternate lacing options which you can find here. 
  • On my first run, I noticed I had a greater awareness of how my foot was landing. This, in turn, helped me to work on my form. Topo Athletic says that it is "designed to work with your body to enhance natural movement." Based on my observation, that could not be more true!
  • I did several shorter runs and one long run in these shoes. Making the transition to the road, and then side of the road when cars came by, was smooth and stable. These shoes are also great for walking trails!
  • These shoes fit true to size, as compared to my size in other brands. 
  • Competitively priced at $100, it's an excellent shoe for the money!

 If you are looking for a great looking, neutral shoe that you can take to the road, and the trail, all on the same run, then this is definitely the shoe for you! They can be found on Topo Athletics website or on Amazon.

Note: I was given this product in exchange for a review. This review is my own personal opinion of the product. I was not required to give a particular opinion on it. Please use any product I review at your own risk, and consult a medical professional if you have any health concerns. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hoka One One Clifton 2 Running Shoe review!

You've seen Hoka One One in the stores. They always catch your eye. If it's not the bright colors that you see first, then it is definitely the high volume midsole that make you think of moon shoes from back in the day. I've always been curious about these shoes. How would they feel? Would I feel like I'm going to rock over, face first? Will it feel unstable, like platform shoes?  I'm here to tell you that it's time to quit thinking about them and try them.
"Since 2010, Hoka One One has engineered unique performance midsole geometries, that feature higher volume, softer density, and greater rebounding foam than standard running shoes."
What does this mean in layman terms? It means that you are going to have a lot of cushion, excellent shock absorption, and a shoe that promotes good running form.
I started wearing the Clifton 2's a little over a week ago, and have put about 30 miles or so on them so far.

Here are my observations:

  • These are very light weight shoes. You would not think so, with the amount of cushion, but they are probably the lightest shoe I own, and I own several!
  • The Clifton 2 has a pretty decent height stack and a ton of cushion. I never felt unstable or wobbly in these shoes. My running form was perfect, and I never felt like I was going to rock over head first.
  • My normal running route is on a country road, so these got tested on the road, and then along the side of the road when cars were going by. Making the transition from the road to the grass or gravel was smooth, and stable. 
  • I did notice that when I was tired, my foot did drag a little a couple times. This happened when I ran later in the day, and again when it was extremely humid outside. But, the last few times I ran in them, I had no issues with it. I don't know if it was because I was not tired and hot, or if I became adjusted to the height of them and got better with my form. 
  • I really like the flat shoe laces. I feel like the tie is more secure, and will not come loose, like I've experienced with other laces. 
  • The size seems to run just a little bigger than all the other brands I have tried. I had to go down 1/2 size to get a good fit on these. 
  • Over the last few months, I have noticed that the bottoms of my feet are sore after an especially long run, or in a race where I am putting more effort into the run. That is not the case at all with these shoes. I did a 6 mile run in them, and had zero issues. These are likely going to be my go to shoe for distance runs and races, especially with my ultra-marathon training starting soon. 
The brand name, "Hoka One One" is derived from a Maori expression meaning, "It's time to fly over the earth." When I run in these, I felt like I was running on clouds, so this expression is oh so true! If you are looking for a shoe with some extra cushion, these are the shoe for you. Stop glancing at them from afar at the running store. Pick one up, try one on, and "fly over the earth" on your next run!

Want more information on the Clifton 2? Check them out here. Or, check out the entire Hoka One One brand at

Note: This review is my own personal opinion of the product. I was not required to give a particular opinion on it. Please use any product I review at your own risk, and consult a medical professional if you have any health concerns. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

PaleoLife Bar review! Post Workout, Long Run, Refuel Ready!

You know that "hangry" feeling that hits after a long run?!! It seems like I spend the entire day (and sometimes, next day) eating and eating and eating, yet never satisfied. I think this is the reason it's impossible to lose weight as a distance runner. While following a real food diet, it's even harder to find something that is quick and easy to grab after a run, with the right balance of carbs and protein to refuel our bodies.  
I was given the opportunity to try PaleoLife Bars as a post workout or post run snack. PaleoLife Foods is an ultra premium, natural, nutritional foods company that was founded on the Paleo/Primal diet belief system. This means that their bars are the highest quality, real, whole food, as close to nature, as possible. PaleoLife Foods started out designing the "ultimate post-workout recovery" and meal replacement foods for themselves, since nothing else met their high stands for Paleo-friendly, natural, and FRESH ingredients. 

Last weekend, I tried my first PaleoLife Bars. Saturday,  I was only going out for about 3.5 miles, but it was going to be lunch time, so I wanted something to eat as soon as I got done. CoCoaNut ended up being my lunch. The next day, I did a 6 mile, early morning run. As soon as I returned and cooled down, I had the Vanilla Nut flavor for breakfast. Here are my observations:

  • Flavor: Sooooo Good! I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars. Some protein bars have a weird "healthy" flavor, but these taste like something homemade, and actually taste good. 
  • Texture: Saturday, I carried the bar with me in my running pack. It was a little gooey, from being in the heat, but not melty or messy. These bars remind me of a thick, nut butter texture, but with some add ins. They are not too dry, either. It would be perfect as a mid-run snack, because it is not too chewy, and can easily be eaten with just a little water to wash it down. 
  • Post refuel hunger rating: 5 out of 5 stars. It is the perfect balance of protein and carbs to refuel the body, and keep you satisfied. The first day, this ended up being my lunch, and I was not hungry again until time for supper. The 2nd day, after a 6 mile run, this ended up being my breakfast. Again, I was not hungry until the next meal. This is a big deal for me! No crazy binge eating all day, trying to refuel and heal my body. 
  • Nutritional Stats and Ingredients: Most people who are following a Paleo or Real Food diet do not watch calories, but if you happen to, these bars are 290-340 calories each, depending on the flavor. Because they are so filling, they are great as a meal replacement, so do keep that in mind.  These are a truly Paleo food. I've seen so many products that claim to be Paleo, but have added ingredients that are not part of the Paleo food lifestyle. They do use rice protein as a source of protein, but it does follow their idea of the Paleo diet, as explained here. Other ingredients are nut butters, seeds, coconut and coconut oil, as well as cocoa and cacao nibs. For the full ingredient list, see here for CoCoaNut and here for Vanilla Nut. 
  • Allergen information: As a food allergy mom, this is always a big factor for me. They do contain tree nuts, which is common with Paleo Foods. However, the allergen statement on the packaging also states that they may contain traces of Peanuts, Egg, Soy, Milk and Wheat. For this reason, I use safe practices of hand washing, after eating them, to avoid exposure to my food allergic child. 
  • Price: A box of 8 bars is currently $29.48 on the PaleoLife website, and $33.48 with free Prime shipping on Amazon. This averages out to be $3.69 to $4.19. Again, looking at this as the cost of a meal replacement, it's not a bad deal. PaleoLife also offers several discount codes on their website. You can find those here.
I have to say, that I am impressed with these bars, and they will become a regular in my pantry. Not only as a post workout meal, but I can keep them in my bag for running errands, or while traveling, to always have a healthy, REAL FOOD, option on hand! To see more information about PaleoLife Foods, please see their website, Facebook page, or Amazon Store

Note: I was given this product in exchange for a review. This review is my own personal opinion of the product. I was not required to give a particular opinion on it. Please use any product I review at your own risk, and consult a medical professional if you have any health concerns.